One year ago, I was among the first class of Fellows for the first-ever How I Built This Summit with Guy Raz from NPR. At that time, CurvedWear was just an idea that I’d had in my head for several years.
This week, CurvedWear is officially more than an idea! After a year of business planning, examining hundreds of fabric samples, hiring the right designer, and finding an ethical, local manufacturer, I finally received the first sample pair of the CurvedWear Classic pants.

It’s been an exciting and challenging year. When I started, I knew very little about the apparel industry. On my first visit to a fabric show, I didn’t know where to start. All I knew was that we curvy women deserved to have the same options as others for the perfect pants for hiking, camping, sightseeing, or other outdoor activities with technical features such as moisture-wicking, quick-drying, naturally antimicrobial, wrinkle-resistant material that is soft and stretchy with big, functional pockets. I felt like the entire industry was treating us curvy gals like second-class citizens who didn’t deserve to have the same options as women who were shaped like traditional models.
To me, it was more than an inconvenience that we didn’t have options and had to either stick to leggings or buy men’s pants. To me, it was an equity issue in a longer history of the fashion industry looking down on curvy and plus-size women. As someone who has long worked in the area of women’s rights and equality, this hit me hard and made me even more passionate about creating CurvedWear.
Moreover, I was disappointed because I knew that comfortable, stylish, functional pants were possible, but that the industry was actively choosing to ignore us. It was a no-brainer for me to learn all I could to design the perfect pair of technical pants so that we curvy gals could play outside in comfort, style, AND function too.
Today, I’m beyond excited to test the sample pants and provide feedback to the manufacturer for the next iteration. Soon, they’ll be perfect and ready to go!

And the timing is also perfect because I’m getting our iFundWomen crowdfunding page ready to launch soon! I won’t be able to bring CurvedWear to life without your help, so make sure you keep an eye out for it.
You may be wondering how you can help CurvedWear get off the ground. Here are some things you can do:
Share this on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and remember to use the hashtag #CurvyGals
If you know any bloggers, journalists, etc., please send them my way so CurvedWear can get some needed PR as we prepare to launch
If there’s another way that you can think of or any connections that might be beneficial, please reach out and let us know
